Professional Advisors

Let’s work together to help your clients achieve their charitable wishes, leave a legacy and make their generosity deliver great results, now and forever.

Professional Advisors like you are key to helping people decide how best to leave a legacy. We can help you and your clients target their bequeathing so it has a perpetual impact and makes a real difference - a gift that keeps on giving with the ongoing stewardship of Momentum Waikato, your local community foundation. 

We work with professional advisors - lawyers, accountants and wealth advisors - to connect generous people with local causes and projects, by finding the right fit, strengthening established relationships and forging new ones. 

There's a growing movement of people behind building generosity here in the Waikato. If that’s you too, let’s talk more about how you and your firm can be recognised by Momentum Waikato as a ‘Community Champion’ and ‘Endowment Advisor’.   

Become a recognised ‘community champion’ - how it works in practice.

We like to recognise people in professional services that understand and promote better ways of giving as Community Champions & Endowment Fund Advisors. To assist, we efficiently brief your team over a lunch break or an hour of your time to set the wheels in motion. We then equip you and your team with resources to help start the conversation about Giving Forever via endowment funds as a way for your clients to leave a lasting legacy. We're then ready to assist when the time's right for a one on one conversation.

We like to recognise and celebrate those that champion endowment funding as a way of building a better Waikato for everyone, forever.

We'll brief you and help you with the the facts so when the time is right for your client you can enquire if they wish to consider ‘Giving Forever’ via an Endowment Fund. We've worked with several donors that simply had never heard of or considered this as a "better way of giving forever". They're usually delighted to learn about how they can leave a lasting legacy. When you offer that and they're keen to know more we will work alongside you and them to talk through how it works.

We sit with them and understand what they wish to support. We then build a personalised giving plan, at no cost to them, or you.  You then advise them independently on that plan and the relevant structure they should put in place for their wishes. That way you always own the client relationship and they pay you directly for any expertise and time they require from you.  

Working with you and the them, we often build a ‘Deed of Gift’ or ‘Memorandum of Wishes’ that enables their giving plan to come to life - either via a living gift now (a donation) or estate gifting on their passing, sometimes donors want to do both. 

Their gift passes into an Endowment Fund of their choice – this can be a new Fund in their name, or the gift can go into an existing Endowment Fund that aligns with their interests or concerns. 

Momentum Waikato continues its perpetual stewardship, beyond their lifetime, to administer and smartly invest their gift and make sure distributions from the Fund pass to the causes and projects identified in their Gift Plan, supporting those endeavours now and forever 

Resources to assist Professional Advisors with endowment advice.

We provide lawyers, accountants and wealth advisors with the information you need to start a discussion with your clients about giving in future and how to help foster generosity across the region. 

Here are some useful forms and guides we like to have at hand when you’re working with us and your clients to establish or grow an Endowment Fund with Momentum Waikato. 


If you would like to get in touch with a member of our team, please call or message via the the contacts below, or complete the message form.

07 834 0404


Physical Address:
Level 4
127 Alexandra Street


If the below FAQs don't have the answer you're looking for please reach out via the the contacts of the message form above.

How do we get recognised by Momentum as an Endowment Fund Advisor?

Why would our clients be interested in working with Momentum Waikato's model?

Do we risk losing a client and you taking them over?

I’m not expected to tell my client what to support, am I?

Why is giving through Endowment Funds better than a one-off donation now?

How are gifts commonly made by a client?

What are the benefits of giving through Momentum Waikato

What are Community Foundations all about?

What professional advisors like you say about working with Momentum Waikato.

We love working alongside Professional Advisors with sharp minds and big hearts, people like you! 

To help build ‘A Better Waikato for Everyone, Forever’, sometimes all it takes is an introductory conversation with your clients about endowment funds as a better way of giving.  Then, Momentum Waikato can work with you to help bring their wishes to life.

Don’t take our word for it, here’s what some other professional advisors like you have to say … 

“Many of my clients have a generous intent but simply aren’t aware of how to provide a gift that keeps on giving forever, such as endowment funds like those Momentum Waikato provides locally.  As a local firm we are actively involved in the community and always keen to engage with Waikato organisations that work for the good of the region”

Matthew Peploe

Managing Partner and head of Estate & Trust Law at Harkness Henry

“In our day to day work we focus on building long-term relationships and providing strategic advice to create and grow value for our clients. Our focus on our region is no different.  We believe in the power of collaboration, and that when specialisation and expertise combine in a collaborative environment, exceptional outcomes are created.”

Jon Calder

CEO of Tompkins Wake

“We see Momentum as pretty progressive,” says John, “particularly around the project work being undertaken for the Waikato community but also looking into how to develop for the future and what that may look like”.

John Bodie

CEO and Private Wealth Advisor at JB Were Investment Advisors

What generous local people like your clients say about working with us.

“We all want to leave a little bit of a legacy, the role of a bequest is about investing back into the community forever.  By giving through Momentum, it becomes a “living bequest” because the proceeds of that gift, go on forever.  We want Momentum to be parochial, so that money invested by people in the Waikato, goes back into the Waikato.  My wife and I want to leave a part of our estate to be invested back into this region to make it better forever.”

Ken Williamson

former Momentum Chair and a donor via a will/bequest and our bequests ambassador

“I could see that placing money into the care of Momentum simplifies your giving, and that it means your donating can continue forever, so I decided to set up my own fund at Momentum, with the income going to the charities I choose.”

Donella Graney

Local donor

“The concept of placing part of our estate into a perpetual fund that keeps working and giving to the community, long after we're gone, was attractive. Momentum  Waikato  is  set  up  to  professionally  manage  funds  and  applies  the proceeds as per its donors’ wishes. It is very simple to take the first step and become one of the many people committing bequests to their local Community Foundation’s endowment fund. Once we decided to commit, we wrote our own Memorandum of Wishes with Momentum and our Lawyer provided independent advice to make sure that was included in our Will and we were underway. It was simple and inexpensive.”

Mark Ingle

Local business leader and philanthropist